Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche

It has been more than one year since the passing into parinirvana of our beloved abbot and master Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, and students all over the world are praying for his continued vast benefit for sentient beings and his swift return to guide beings in this world.

Initiated by KTD’s president Lama Karma Drodhul, a sacred stupa of awakening is being created at Thrangu Monastery in Qinghai Yushu province, to house relics of Khenpo Rinpoche and serve as a focus for prayer, offering, and meditation.

In a business meeting on March 8th, 2021, officers of the Hay River KTC authorized a group donation to the Stupa for Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche at Thrangu Monastery in Qinghai Yushu.

For more information on the project and how to donate, click here.

May all beings benefit!

The Hay River KTC Buddhist Meditation Center is located near Ridgeland, Wisconsin. The center is dedicated to the teachings and practices of the authentic Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Lama Yeshe, a fully ordained monk in this tradition, is the resident teacher. Visit our website at